Sunday, August 7, 2011

What's This All About, Anyway?

So I was in the middle of building a deliciously opulent Queen Anne mansion, with not only bells and whistles but a few chimes thrown in for extra glitter, and it was turning out dark and gothy and spookylicious, when my game decided to just crash to desktop out of nowhere.


Checked the time I'd last saved, and it was right before I started adding the foundation.

I'm an idiot. An annoyed idiot.

And then it hit me: You know, when was the last time I exited Build Mode and just played my sims? (That weren't for play-testing?)  What's the point of smacking your head against the keyboard making stuff for a game you don't even play?

… Oh, right. The last time I played was right before I discovered that if I added any pre-existing household to my town, one with funds and skills and careers and objects in inventory, my town would promptly break.

I'd Googled this issue.  Only advice to be had on the internet is the usual blanket accusation of "some sort of bad CC." but without being able to helpfully point out an example of bad CC which causes this sort of thing to happen. It's the sort of "reinstall everything and hope for the best" solution generally given out by people who have no idea what the hell they're doing, but are sure if you flail hard enough, something will happen.

It might just be worth a shot, but i'm going to procrastinate on it a bit longer to see if something a bit more sure of itself pops up in the meantime.

And in that meantime, I played with my sims.

Put down Kali for a bit, though. I'm rather terrified of playing her town, in case something breaks and I can't just save her household to bin and move.

Playing this girl instead. Mikayla. She looks plain, but that's kinda the point. This one's a replica of an old pen-and-paper RPG character of mine, but I don't need to get into that here.

What I need to get into, instead, is the silliness that keeps me interested in and entertained by this game even while dodging its ever-shifting minefield of instability.  The silliness that Mikayla managed to remind me of in the span of a few sim-days.

Now that I'm done whining, this is a Random Pictures post.

The first career wish she rolled after introducing her to simhood was Private Investigator. I never thought this would be a terribly entertaining Ambitions career choice, but I'm being proven wrong…

Subtle, girl. Real subtle.

Thaaaat's better

She's still stuck with low-level snooping work for now.

And in the meantime, she does what any charismatic young single girl does in a town with nothing but young, single, Fresh-From-CAS sims populating it.


Look at her. She's all "I can't believe that worked!"

There's plenty to choose from.

Including some familiar faces.

… Who have a curious habit of wetting themselves in public.

No really. It's that guitar. My town's buskers will happily keep strumming until their bladders can't take it anymore.

Oh yeah, vampires are springing up like weeds, too. Started with 3, there were 10 by the end of the first week.

They're so… scary!

No really, I'm a spooky creature of the night!

Mikayla is… oh, I can't even try to caption this one. Just let your mind wander where it will. I'll see you there.

And I think I'll wrap this up with one of the odder things I've ever seen a sim roast over a fire.


  1. Thanks for the peek into Mikayla's early days! :)

    EA proves time and time again that they (the designers) have no sense of sanity, let alone fashion!

  2. Sanity is overrated. Or at least the lack of it's more forgivable in video games than lack of fashion.

    The lack of fashion is why, unable to add pre-established households to a town, I opted to create a town with 30 YA starter sims rather than endure EA townies again.

  3. Loved the 2nd to last pic. Showed Kirk and he laughed too. :D

    As is typical, your randoms keep us entertained. :D
