Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hauntings Not Included



It's never too early for Halloween. In fact, if displays in grocery stores are to be believed, we should've started preparing for Halloween weeks ago.

I see people lament about Store-content-heavy builds, including in my own direction, and it makes sense - not everyone can or wants to shell out the 30 or so bucks a month it takes to keep up with all the new sets. And of course not everyone has every single expansion and stuff pack ever made, either, and it put the idea in my head to make something completely basegame - something I haven't done since basegame was all we had.

So I made this Gothy little thing. It's old, weathered, and spooky. Dark, but just enough - going overboard on black and purple makes taking pictures hard, after all.

Here's what we've got:

- Sits on a 20 x 20 lot - easily placeable in almost any world.
- 2 bedrooms, furnished for a couple and one child
- 2 full baths
- 2 fireplaces, both upgraded to Fireproof
- A large and presently-unfurnished attic.
- Parking for 1 car
- Basegame! No CC, No expansion/stuff pack, and only a couple FREE store items (Like 3 decor objects, completely nonessential).
- Pricetag: About $45k after playtesting

It's been playtested at full capacity, and all is well. It's a petite house, though, and while you *could* fill the attic with extra beds for litters of children, I wouldn't particularly recommend this one for a large family.

Exchange Download
(Includes list of Store objects used, which in this case are all free downloads)

Mediafire Download


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