Monday, June 11, 2012

All's Fair in Love and Villainy (Part 3)

I so almost turned this into some one-chapter story, but then I realized it would be way too much Wall-O-Text and not enough casual mayhem.

It all started one night with a chance encounter with Luther Lee, Grey Meadow's International Super Spy.  He'd been in his position for a long time, plenty of time to make himself a thorn in the side of my villains.

Blindly picking fights with the enemy is for thugs.  Kali enjoys the opportunity to spend some quality time with her adversaries.  That's how it works, right?  The henchmen duke it out in the streets.  The leaders size each other up over cocktails.

Over the course of having dinner together, she hatched a plan, and invited him to join her for the evening.

You should never accept an invitation for a game of chess with someone whose last name is Reaper.

But maybe Mr. Lee thought he'd win.

Or maybe he just didn't understand the way Reapers work.

Or maybe Kali's just that good at piquing the curiosity, because after she bested him at their game, he followed her willingly when she offered to show him something down at her cemetery.

Luther Lee is 3 days from retiring, and clearly, the old man has grown complacent.

Let's leave him there for now.  No villain in her right mind would simply off someone while they were knocked out and helpless.

"Shaw, darling, why don't you swing by?  I've got a little surprise for you that I'm sure you'll like."

Remember that spy who keeps raiding our warehouses and foiling all your wonderful plans?

From the look on his face, he was maybe expecting these two to still be rivals.

Now if that's not a romantic gesture between two bad guys, I don't know what is.

I'm sure the town will bring in a new International Super Spy to try and mess up their plans, but for now, time to enjoy a little victory for the forces of Evil.


  1. Coming pretty close to this being a real story. Sure feels it's going that way. Becoming less random and more sequential. :)

    Reapers and chess, always fun. I hear they are sore losers, too.

    Now I want to know what happens next. You give us more storee, yes?

  2. Storee from this town is unlikely to happen beyond hastily-scribbled one-shots like this. This is my "for fun" game.

    Actual story? It is possible. But I'd probably want to write That Story again. The one that got eaten when SiManiacs went poof.

  3. Ah! That one, mhm mhm. Wouldn't be too difficult to start that one anew, with a proper beginning this time around. I find this prospect... intriguing.
