Friday, June 1, 2012

Some More Works In Progress

This project is so much fun.  My only problem is I keep bouncing from idea to idea and thus have about a half-dozen lots in various stages of completion right now.

But here's a few more preview shots.

Technically done, but in need of testing is my town's poolside club, Deep Waters.

Also technically done, but in need of playtesting, is the first of the available starter homes the town will have to offer.

A grungy, decaying apartment complex.  The sort of place where even the roaches complain about the living conditions.

Couldn't get a decent photo angle for the apartment's bedroom and bathroom while stuck in Build Mode, so I'll just leave those as surprises.

And *almost* finished, but not quite, is the town's art museum.  Art Galleries rank as possibly the least useful community lot for me, so my challenge with this one was to try to make an art gallery that was actually worth taking my sims to.

I wanted one that felt like a museum.  With neatly-organized wings for the various exhibits.  Not just a big building with a bunch of random decor objects thrown around in it.

The building also has some of the usual accessories to a big city museum - a gift shop, an auditorium for video presentations, and a cafeteria.  There'll also be a hidden tomb, because snooping around behind locked doors in a museum basement sounds like fun.

Come to think of it, I should've built a kids' room... Oh well!  I'll use that idea in another public building.

Speaking of kids, and if all this is starting to be a little too much urbania for you, I've also begun work on the town's suburban homes.

Still an empty shell inside, but the outside's more or less done.  This'll be a nice 4-bedroom house for a large middle-class sim family.

Yeah, I've been a busy building Vex.

Up next:  In the middle of all this, I took a break from town-building to make a house I could actually upload and share right away.  Postings for that will be coming soon.


  1. Is it done yet? :)

    All looking very snazzy. Me want play now.

  2. Bahahahaa!

    That's 6 lots out of 100. I don't think it's quite ready for release yet. ;)

  3. That is fine, then! I didn't want to use it right now anyway. I kinda did, but delaying this for-fun game could be a positive. But now it is after 2 AM and I have suffered a loss of time. Where'd it all go!? Stupid time thieves.

  4. In the meantime, you can tell me about things you may want to have in this town. And maybe entertain me with some words and/or pretty pictures. ;)

    After all, this project is taking up all my simming time these days. I never get to play anymore!

  5. I'll have you know that because this is taking you SO long to finish, and because I haven't played in awhile, I can no longer wait! But it's okay! The plan was, is, to not play Gabriel, but to play one of his offspring. So in the meantime I am going to work on said offspring. Not because I want to, but because you leave me little choice.

    Good day!

  6. And, Tumblr isn't that bad either. I tried resisting... but curiosity got the best of me. Now I got this hook in my mouth that I can't seem to take out. Help? :)

  7. Ehhh, I looked at Tumblr, but I wasn't impressed enough with it to want to uproot all my Stuff to move it over to yet another Share Things On The Internet service.

    Maybe later?
